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发布时间:2023-12-04 供稿:国际交流合作处    撰稿:袁勇  文字显示:


The Serbian Hongbang Clothing Artisanship Workshop initiated by the China-CEEC Alliance of TVET Institutions for Industry-Education Collaboration and relavent institutions and enterprises was inaugurated in Belgrade, Serbia on December 1st, 2023. The Workshop is the second of its type since the foundation of the Bulgarian Hongbang Clothing Artisanship Workshop. On the same day the China (Ningbo)-Serbia (Belgrade) Education Exchange & Collaboration Conference of the Alliance was held with fruitful results.


The event was organized by the China-CEEC Alliance of TVET Institutions for Industry-Education Collaboration, and co-organized by the Ningbo Education Bureau, Zhejiang Fashion Institute of Technology, the EU “One Belt One Road” Culture, Education, Tourism and Economic Development Committee and the Serbia China Culture and Tourism Promotion Association. The event was attended by 40 representatives from the member colleges of the Alliance including Zhejiang Fashion Institute of Technology, Urumqi Vocational University, Shandong Vocational and Technical University of International Studies, Guangzhou International Economics College, Zhejiang Financial College and Shaoxing Vocational and Technical College, as well as several Serbian universities, enterprises and associations such as the University of Kragujevac, the Textile School for Design, Technology and Management and the Belgrade Design Center. The event was hosted by Mr. Yuan Yong, Director of the International Exchange and Cooperation Department of the Zhejiang Fashion Institute of Technology.


Mr. Yuan Jigang, Education Counsellor of the Chinese Embassy in Serbia, delivered a heartfelt speech. He began by extending a warm welcome to the guests and expressing congratulations on the establishment of the Workshop. Counsellor Yuan elaborated on the "Belt and Road" initiative and its pivotal role in advancing global economic development and cultural exchange. He highlighted the importance of educational cooperation in deepening bilateral relations, particularly in fostering friendly exchanges between China and CEE countries, including Serbia. Counsellor Yuan proposed that China and Serbia make use of the platform of the Alliance to share vocational education resources and enhance the quality of education in both nations. He urged both parties to explore collaboration in vocational education, offering more opportunities for development and vitality for the two peoples. Furthermore, he highlighted traditional clothing as a significant aspect of cultural exchange, emphasizing the role of the Hongbang Clothing Artisanship Workshop in promoting cultural understanding and industry-education collaboration. He encouraged relevant organizations from both countries to strengthen cooperation and contribute to cultural exchange.


  Mr. Danijel Nikolic, the Assistant Secretary General of Government of the Republic of Serbia stressed the significance of education, industry, and cultural exchange in Sino-Serbian cooperation. He emphasized the significance of vocational education in shaping the future, providing individuals with skills to adapt to global challenges, and establishing the groundwork for industry-education partnerships. Mr. Nikolic underscored that collaboration between academia and industry not only drives economic growth but also fosters innovation and social progress. He welcomed the establishment of the Hongbang Clothing Artisanship Workshop and called for more partners to join in pursuing a prosperous future together.


Mr. Zheng Weidong, Chairman of the China-CEEC Alliance of TVET Institutions for Industry-Education Collaboration and President of the Zhejiang Fashion Institute of Technology, mentioned in his speech that clothing, as an important cultural carrier, aims to facilitate the exchange and cooperation of clothing techniques and culture between China and Serbia, and to promote the economic and educational development of both sides. Mr. Zheng Weidong reflected on the longstanding friendship between China and Serbia, and expected opportunities for cooperation between the two sides on the 10th anniversary of the "Belt and Road" initiative. He expressed hope that the Workshop will serve as a new bridge for cultural exchange between the two countries.


Mr. Slavisa Markovic, Vice President of the Serbia China Culture and Tourism Promotion Association, emphasized that the Workshop functions as a bridge that connects the two peoples, symbolizing the blending of tradition and innovation. Mr. Markovic commended the cooperative partnership between the two nations and voiced his optimism for the Workshop to serve as a platform for advancing dialogue among artisans, designers and fashion enthusiasts, as well as fostering cultural exchange and mutual prosperity.


The second phase of the event is the China-Serbian College-Enterprise Exchange and Collaboration Conference. The Chairman of the Alliance gave a short speech, highlighting the key role of industry-education collaboration in vocational education, talent training and contribution to the socio-economic development. Following brief introductions of their respective institutions and companies, the Chinese and Serbian representatives engaged in  discussions.


This event not only creates a new opportunity for collaboration in the vocational education sector between China and Serbia, but also establishes a link for cultural exchange between the two sides, thereby advancing educational collaboration and talent cultivation in countries along the "Belt and Road".


The day before the event, Zheng Weidong, Chairman of the Alliance leading his delegation made a special visit to the Chinese Embassy in Serbia. Education Counsellor Yuan Jigang warmly welcomed the delegation. Zheng Weidong provided an update on the Alliance's recent developments and the status of holding activities in Serbia. He also requested the embassy's continued support for the Alliance's future development. Counsellor Yuan highly praised the Alliance's achievements and emphasized that the friendship between countries relies on the mutual affinity of the people. He expressed hope for the Alliance to continue its relentless efforts to promote more international industry-education cooperation projects. During the meeting, Counsellor Yuan Jigang briefly introduced the education development in Serbia, and reiterated the cultural and educational department of the embassy's commitment to caring for and supporting the future development of the Alliance.


On that day, the delegation also paid a visit to the Belgrade "Belt and Road" Institute. The Institute was co-established by the Serbian government, Chinese companies in Serbia, the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, and the University of Novi Sad. Its goal is to form strong partnerships with political, industrial, educational, and cultural institutions in the countries along the “Belt and Road”. This visit enhanced the mutual understanding between the Alliance and the Institute, laying a solid foundation for future cooperation in the field of vocational education. Both parties are eager to jointly initiate more practical and impactful cooperative projects in the near future, contributing to international education cooperation under the “Belt and Road” Initiative.


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