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发布时间:2023-11-29 供稿:国际交流合作处    撰稿:袁勇  文字显示:


On November 27, 2023, the China (Ningbo)-Hungary (Budapest) Education Exchange and Cooperation Conference and the Education-Enterprise Cooperation Academic Forum of the China-CEEC Alliance of TVET Institutions for Industry-Education Collaboration were successfully held. The event was hosted by the China-CEEC Alliance of TVET Institutions for Industry-Education Collaboration, co-organized by the Edutus University, Zhejiang Fashion Institute of Technology, and co-sponsored by the EU-China "One Belt One Road" Culture, Education, Tourism and Economic and Trade Development Committee along with several Chinese and European institutions. The forum took place at the Edutus University and was attended by over 50 representatives from more than 30 governmental institutions, colleges, and enterprises from China, Hungary, Romania, Italy, and the Czech Republic, with some domestic colleges and universities participating online. This was the first conference held in Central and Eastern European countries since the establishment of the Alliance and was guided and supported by the International Department of the Ministry of Education the European Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Education and the Ningbo Education Bureau.

会议第一阶段由欧中”一带一路“文化、教育、旅游和经贸发展委员会秘书长Viktor Vereb主持。匈牙利对外投资贸易局投资部主任Almasi Martina、中国驻匈牙利使馆教育参赞陈昆、匈牙利人力资源管理局主任Marton Katalin、中国宁波市教育局副局长何倩、匈牙利埃杜图什大学校长Szaniszlo Gabor博士分别致辞。

The first phase of the Conference was presided over by Viktor Vereb, Secretary General of the EU-China "One Belt One Road" Culture, Education, Tourism and Economic and Trade Development Committee. Almasi Martina, Director of the Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency, Chen Kun, Education Counsellor of the Chinese Embassy in Hungary, Marton Katalin, Director of the Hungarian National Skills Council, He Qian, Deputy Director General of the Ningbo Education Bureau, China, and Dr Szaniszlo Gabor, President of the Edutus University, Hungary, delivered speeches respectively.


Ms. Martina, Director of the Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency, emphasized the significance of the education-enterprise cooperation and exchange conference in her speech. She highlighted Hungary as a stable economic partner of China and emphasized the urgent need for skilled talents and standardized business processes to strengthen and develop this partnership. She expressed hope for the Alliance to serve as a platform for education-enterprise cooperation and contribute to the economic development of both China and Hungary.


Counsellor Chen Kun, in his address, emphasized that educational exchanges, particularly in vocational education, are crucial for strengthening friendly relations between the people of China and CEE countries. He recognized and commended the role of the China-CEEC Alliance of TVET Institutions for Industry-Education Collaboration and emphasized its potential to share resources and experiences to advance vocational education. He urged China and Hungary to leverage this platform for further exchanges and cooperation in vocational education, creating new opportunities and driving mutual development.


Ms. Katalin, Director of the Hungarian National Skills Council, emphasized that educational cooperation is not just an exchange between countries but also a shared effort towards a common future. She highlighted the importance of vocational education in the current context of globalization and emphasized its role in fostering cooperation between the two countries. She called for collaborative efforts to build educational bridges, share practical experiences, and leave behind valuable educational assets for the present and the future.


In her address, He Qian, a member of the Party Committee of Ningbo Education Bureau and Deputy Inspector General, reflected on the historical importance of the ancient Silk Road. She emphasized that Ningbo, as the starting point of the ancient "Maritime Silk Road," has been actively promoting international cooperation and exchanges in education. The level of internationalization of education in Ningbo has been a leader in the entire country and province, especially in the fruitful outcomes of cooperation and exchanges between Ningbo and Central and Eastern European countries in the field of education. Specifically, educational cooperation between Ningbo and Central and Eastern European countries has been successful. Ms. He Qian also highlighted the achievements of the China-CEEC Alliance of TVET Institutions for Industry-Education Collaboration. She stressed that the Alliance, as an important platform to implement the spirit of the China-CEE Leaders' Summit, has facilitated numerous cooperation projects, organized skills competitions, and effectively promoted collaboration between schools and enterprises. She stated that Ningbo will fully support the work of the Alliance and enhance the cooperation and exchange of vocational education between Ningbo, China, and Central and Eastern European countries.


Dr. Gabor, President of the Edutus University, Hungary, extended a warm welcome to the delegates, introduced the results of the university's China-Hungary cooperation, and put forward ideas and plans for future cooperation.


The second session of the Conference was the introduction of the Alliance by Mr. Zheng Weidong, Chairman of the China-CEEC Alliance of TVET Institutions for Industry-Education Collaboration and President of Zhejiang Fashion Institute of Technology. Mr. Zheng Weidong provided a detailed overview of the Alliance, its effectiveness, future plans, and showcased the significant achievements in vocational education since its establishment. He emphasized the Alliance's commitment to building "eight platforms" in vocational education cooperation, humanistic exchanges, innovation and entrepreneurship, project cooperation, skills competitions, standard co-construction, talent attraction and training, and economic and trade services, resulting in substantial outcomes. With the support of key organizations such as the International Department of the Ministry of Education, China Education Association for International Exchanges, and Zhejiang Provincial Department of Education, the Alliance has actively responded to the cooperation framework between China and Central and Eastern European countries, fostering unity and collaboration among member units and overall development, leading to significant social impact. Looking ahead, Mr. Zheng Weidong highlighted the Alliance's commitment to the principles of "openness, reciprocity, and sustainability," deepening bilateral and multilateral cooperation among members, facilitating effective integration of the industrial chain, supply chain, talent chain, and education chain, and advancing the fusion of vocational education and industrial development to achieve common prosperity and development.


The third session of the Conference was the launch ceremony for the establishment of internationalized teaching resources for vocational colleges and universities in China and Central and Eastern European countries. Yang Yifeng, Vice President of Shandong Vocational University of International Studies, Hong Tsang Yi, President of Guangzhou International Economics College, and foreign representatives initiated the establishment of the resource bank. The establishment of the internationalized teaching resource bank is the upcoming focus of the Alliance. This effort will assist in the exploration of creating a digital education cooperation mechanism, as well as in building and promoting internationalized vocational education resources. Furthermore, it will enhance the international influence and competitiveness of China's vocational education and support the "Vocational Education Going to Sea" strategy.


In the session that follows, the conference observed the signing of two important cooperation agreements and the announcement of a cooperation project. The China-CEEC Alliance of TVET Institutions for Industry-Education Collaboration and the EU One Belt One Road on Culture, Education, Tourism and Economic and Trade Development Committee (OBOR), as well as the Hungarian National Skills Council (HNSC) and the EU One Belt One Road on Culture, Education, Tourism and Economic and Trade Development Committee (OBOR), have each entered into cooperation agreements. The Alliance and the OBOR Committee jointly released the China-Hungary International Cooperation Program.

大会第二阶段由乌鲁木齐职业大学副校长田晓霞主持。在学术论坛环节,聚焦“数字化背景下的国际职业教育“议题,来自不同背景的专家学者,包括意大利共和国经济发展部前副部长Michele Geraci教授、浙江金融职业学院国际商学院院长兼捷克研究中心执行副主任张海燕教授,以及摩拉维亚商业学院奥洛穆茨副校长Mgr. Jitka Lidarikova分别从”一带一路“中的基础建设发展的重要意义、数字化背景下的中国—中东欧国家产教融合、中国和捷克的职业商业教育的角度分享了他们的独到见解和深刻思考。

The second phase of the conference was presided over by Tian Xiaoxia, Vice President of Urumqi Vocational University. During the Academic Forum, which focused on the topic of "International Vocational Education in the Context of Digitalization," experts and scholars from various backgrounds, including Prof. Michele Geraci, Former Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Economic Development of Italy, Prof. Zhang Haiyan, Dean of the School of International Business of Zhejiang Financial College and Executive Vice-Director of the Czech Studies Center, and Mgr. Jitka Lidarikova, Vice Rector of the Moravian Business College Olomouc, were invited to share their insights and profound thoughts respectively on the significance of infrastructure development in the Belt and Road, the integration of industry and education in China-CEE countries in the context of digitization, and vocational business education in China and the Czech Republic.


The final session of the event was the college-enterprise exchange. Representatives from various Chinese enterprises in Hungary, including China Construction Sausum, China Railway No. 9 Group, Dahua Equipment , Huayou Cobalt, Huawei, and Shuanghuan Drive , as well as several Hungarian training agencies including Budapest Economic Center of Vocational Training, Budapest Engineering Center of Vocational Training, Budapest Complex Center of Vocational Training, Budapest Technical Center of Vocational Training and Central Hungary Agricultural Center of Vocational Training, focused on the topics of "TVET going abroad", serving Chinese enterprises of "exploiting overseas market", education-enterprise cooperation to cultivate localized technical and skilled talents, assisting youth employment and improving people's livelihoods in cooperating countries, and promoting the economic and social development of cooperating countries. The event was concluded with a lively discussion between representatives from Chinese and foreign colleges and enterprises.


By building an international development platform for the integration of industry and education, the Alliance facilitates the simultaneous progress of education and industry. It acts as a bridge to aid and support Chinese businesses in expanding globally, enhances the training of international technical and skilled professionals, promotes cooperation in international production capacity, and contributes to strengthening Chinese vocational education to support the sustainable development of the economies of China and CEE countries.


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